Wisdom Tooth Removal in Rahuri

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Rahuri

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Rahuri at SmyleXL Dental Clinic

Have you been experiencing discomfort at the back of your mouth? It could be the onset of your wisdom teeth. While they are a natural part of our dental development, sometimes they cause more harm than good, necessitating their removal. Visit SmyleXL for comfortable wisdom tooth removal in Rahuri.

When Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Required?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to erupt, typically between ages 17 and 25. Problems arise when these teeth lack space to grow properly. They may erupt partially, grow at an angle, or stay trapped in the jawbone, becoming ‘impacted’.

The signs that your wisdom teeth might be causing trouble include pain, swelling, stiffness, and even an infection in your mouth. Other serious issues like damage to other teeth, cysts, tooth decay, and gum disease could also be due to problematic wisdom teeth.

At SmyleXL Dental Clinic Rahuri, we recommend a check-up if you experience any discomfort or abnormal symptoms. Our team, led by Dr.Mahesh Gavhane, is equipped to assess your situation and guide you on the best course of action.

How Is the Procedure Done?

Wisdom tooth removal is a standard dental procedure. At SmyleXL Dental Clinic in Rahuri, your comfort and safety are our top priority. The process starts with a detailed examination of your mouth, which may include X-rays to understand the position of the wisdom teeth.


Dr. Mahesh, a seasoned dental surgeon, numbs the area around the tooth to make the procedure comfortable for you. Once the gums are numb, the impacted tooth is exposed and removed carefully. The entire procedure is safe, with a focus on reducing any potential discomfort.

Why Dr.SmyleXL?

Dr. Gavhane stands out for his extensive experience, dedication, and a patient-centric approach. His years of performing wisdom tooth extractions make him the preferred choice for many seeking wisdom tooth removal in Rahuri.


He and his team at SmyleXL Dental Clinic ensure that each patient is treated with the utmost care and respect, providing all the necessary information about the procedure. You can expect a comfortable, safe, and professional environment for your dental treatment.


Moreover, post-procedure, Dr. Gavhane ensures comprehensive aftercare instructions and follow-ups to aid in a smooth recovery. His commitment to his patients’ well-being makes him one of the most trusted names in dental care.


If you’re feeling the discomfort of an emerging wisdom tooth, don’t ignore it. Reach out to SmyleXL Dental Clinic Rahuri, where under the expert care of Dr. Mahesh Gavhane, you can expect top-notch treatment. Remember, your smile is our success!

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